Monday, October 18, 2010

Inside Story of appliances to the countryside

Dealers called the sound of the countryside machine deficit sold to farmers at high prices

Hisense Chongqing branch of an official told reporters, Hisense 26-inch LCD TV as the price of the goods to the countryside machine is 1850 yuan, but the production price is 1840 yuan, "that margin is only 10 dollars."

February 1, the a to rural consumption for the purpose of home appliances to the countryside began to be promoted across the country. The policy of home appliances to the countryside starting point of this is to benefit businesses and farmers, but recent news has continued to receive revelations, said many dealers to bid higher than the price of machines sold to the countryside. Through several days of investigation, reporters found that the winning manufacturers and dealers are complaining about the countryside selling machines at a loss, identity card number of businesses this will take away the countryside machine sold to farmers at high prices, even taking the successful model of non- posing the countryside machine.


More dealers anxious to sell more losses

Chongqing Pengshui appliance dealer Wang (not his real name) is now very anxious, to home appliances to the countryside in the fight for the right to sell, he is supposed to make a number, can now "go to the countryside machine" has become a piece of his heart .

Because "do not make money," Wang has been the official website of the countryside in the home appliances complained twice. Wang took Hisense 26-inch LCD TV cited an example: This machine's limit is 1,998 yuan, he took the county agency where the purchase price was 1,900 yuan, plus 4% tax, profit margin is 1998-1900 - (1998 脳 4%) = 18.08 dollars, not including freight and installation expenses are.

Complaints for Wang, Chongqing Commerce Commission given answer is: "You reflect this situation does exist ... ... Please consult with superior vendors." However, Wang found a higher level when the seller when the appliance Pengshui flight , Pengshui flight time is given in reply, "no way."

Reporters then contacted the owner of Chen Qingkui Pengshui appliances when flying, he is also anxious for his countryside machine. Chen Qingkui told reporters, Wang said that the TV he took directly from Hisense Chongqing Branch of goods, take the purchase price was 1,850 yuan, 1,900 yuan and then to sell Wang, "so down the machine a profit of nearly 2000, only 30 block or so. "Chenqing Kui said the price of 1,850 yuan, only to rural areas before machine would get to take the usual prices of goods is 2200 yuan.

Speaking of profits, Hisense, a Leader in Chongqing branch some excitement. He told reporters, Hisense 26-inch LCD TV as the price of the goods to the countryside machine is 1850 yuan, but the production price is 1840 yuan, "that margin is only 10 dollars."

Wang told reporters, Hisense 26-inch LCD TV usually priced in Chongqing is about 3,000 yuan. For the current situation, Wang said, "Now we aim to do so is to protect the market, such as increased purchasing power of farmers after the high-end machine market, there are still some profits."


Rural areas into the high-priced low to sell home appliances

In order to improve profits, some dealers began playing home appliances to the countryside of the "policies, under the measures" in the game.

Hide the identity card. Hide the identity card, will go to the countryside to sell products to market, some dealers commonly used trick.

Jixi farmers Douwan Jiang said: "I have 1,940 yuan to buy a TV, I asked him not to the countryside products, he said it was not. The results then I found online, I bought the TV belongs to the countryside products, limit is 1680 yuan. "

Guangxi Tiandeng of Morong day, he bought Skyworth 26L08HR in Nanning, found the identification card is not bringing home appliances products.

Jingzhou City, Gan Huirong years ago bought a Changhong TV PF29156 (Z), merchants offer 1,480 yuan, and 13% rebate on the spot to him, that is, cash received 1288 yuan. However, check to Gan Huirong later, the winning price of the machine model 1268 yuan. Business told him that won the bid price of 1,268 yuan, not the end price.

Why can sell appliances to the countryside products at high prices? Identity card where the? Reporter asked Wang, he reluctantly smiled, the "This is the dealer to come out the bottom way, the identification card goes to the farmers not to see ceiling price, then sell appliances to market. "

Tax evasion to maintain modest profit.璁╃帇鎴愬拰浠栫殑鍚岃浠◢寰湁鐐瑰叴瓒g殑鏄捣淇?1瀵歌秴骞冲僵鐢点?杩欐褰╃數鍦ㄥ綋鍦扮殑闆跺敭浠蜂竴鑸湪750鍏冨乏鍙筹紝鑰屼笅涔′环鏄?56鍏冦?鐜嬫垚浠?10鍏冧粠鍘跨骇浠g悊鍟嗘墜涓嬁璐э紝搴斾氦绋庢涓?56脳4%=26.24鍏冦?鐜嬫垚鍚戣鑰呭潶瑷?紝鍗栬繖涓満瀛愪竴鑸笉寮?彂绁紝鐒跺悗鎶婃爣璇嗗崱鎷胯蛋锛屾寜700鍏冪殑浠锋牸鍗栫粰鍐滄皯銆?br />

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銆??瀵规锛岃鑰呮帴瑙﹀埌鐨勪竴浣嶅晢鍔$郴缁熺殑涓撳寤鸿锛屽彲浠ユ妸鏈?簳灞傜殑缁忛攢鍟嗛兘鍙栨秷锛岃鍐滄皯闆嗕腑鍒板幙绾х殑浠g悊鍟嗚喘涔颁笅涔℃満銆備絾涓婅堪宸ヤ綔浜哄憳琛ㄧず锛屼紒涓氬垰杩涘叆涓?釜甯傚満鏃讹紝娌¢偅涔堝璧勬簮鍘昏繘琛岀綉鐐瑰竷灞?紝鍙兘渚濋潬褰撳湴宸叉湁鐨勯攢鍞綉鐐广?绛夋湁浜嗚嚜宸辩殑閿?敭娓犻亾鍚庯紝鍑轰簬鍒╂鼎鐨勮?铏戯紝浼佷笟浼氬彇娑堜腑闂寸殑浠g悊鐜妭銆?br />
銆??鍟嗗姟閮ㄦ湁鍏宠礋璐d汉瀵?銆婃瘡鏃ョ粡娴庢柊闂汇?璁拌?琛ㄧず锛屼綔涓哄鐢典笅涔$殑涓讳綋锛屼紒涓氳嚜韬細鏉冭 閿?敭鎯呭喌鍜岄攢鍞埄鐩婏紝鎵?互涓婅堪鎯呭喌涓嶄細褰卞搷鍒版斂绛栫殑鎵ц銆傗?褰撶劧锛屽鐢典笅涔$殑鏀跨瓥杩橀渶瑕佷笉鏂畬鍠勶紝鍖呮嫭涓嬩埂鐨勪骇鍝佸拰浠锋牸绛夈?鈥?br />
Expert opinion


銆??瀹剁數涓嬩埂缁欏啘姘戝甫鍘讳簡瀹炴儬锛屼絾闀挎湡浠庝簨鍐滄潙宸ヤ綔鐮旂┒鐨勭ぞ绉戦櫌鍐滄潙鍙戝睍鐮旂┒鎵?暀鎺堜簬寤哄禈鍗磋涓猴紝涓嬩埂浜у搧骞朵笉绗﹀悎褰撳墠鍐滄皯鐨勫疄闄呴渶瑕併?浠栬〃绀猴紝褰╃數銆佹墜鏈虹瓑閮芥槸灞炰簬娑堣?鎬т骇鍝侊紝鍐滄皯鏇撮渶瑕佺殑鏄敓浜ф?浜у搧銆?br />


銆??鍞愭烦椋庤〃绀猴紝鍏夊鐢典笅涔$殑绌洪棿寰堝皬锛屾墿澶т笅涔′骇鍝侀鍩熸墠浼氬缁忔祹鏈夌湡姝g殑鎷夊姩銆?0浜垮啘姘戝氨鏄競鍦猴紝瑕佹牴鎹啘姘戦渶瑕佹潵鎸栨帢甯傚満銆?br />


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Friday, October 8, 2010

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I believe people who regularly download all met to watch the back of the RM or RMVB to download videos will pop up browser window somehow, some of these windows are full screen ads, and even some also contain Trojan horse virus.

I have also had this garbage in the virus, computer games hard to lay a QQ number from this account and no longer belongs to me. At that time do not understand what happened, 鍚庢潵 friend told me that some 浜?鍔犲叆 deliberately movie files Zhong junk codes, while watching the movie Zhezhonghanyou garbage code when the pop-up malicious Web page, the user's computer implanted Trojan virus.

Because hidden deep, and many anti-virus software can not be killing time, the most effective way is to take early precautions. Then a friend recommended I listen to this download software off rabbit Tuotu because it embedded video ads virus killing capabilities, it can open the movie file before all of the malicious code will be removed, prior protection to any new virus or variant no chance of invasion computer.

Using rabbit killing off the virus function is very simple video advertising, off Rabbit and the latest de-rabbit 3 support. Rabbit set off the first entry in the download is complete before automatically clear the check mark. This rabbit off automatically after the download is complete to monitor and remove all RM, RMVB advertisements contained in the virus code.

Figure 1
If the downloaded file is not selected automatically killing, you can complete the list in the task right, you can choose to film the pop-up ad, after killing there will be a prompt, so you can rest assured that the beginning of the watch.

If your computer has antivirus software installed, off of each rabbit is called automatically after the download is complete anti-virus check the file, for non-movie files can also play a very good virus protection role.

Figure 2

Hopefully this can give some help like a friend to download, use the skills and experience of rabbit off a lot, hope to share with you more.



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Press Alt + to open the window control menu.

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3. With the cursor keys to move the pointer to the window frame or the top angle, the pointer accordingly into different shapes.

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5. That the location of the right gray dotted line and press Enter key.

Note: 1. To cancel the keyboard to change the window size of the operation, press Esc key.

2. Above the window is not suitable for operation in a maximized or minimized the situation

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rising sales of six consecutive ones who enjoy celebrating the crazy lift 120 million sales surge

April 12, the largest information security company Rising announced that to celebrate the Rising antivirus software sales for six consecutive occupied champion, none other 120 million yuan the theme of "lion dance world" large-scale market activities. This year the event will run through the spring and summer market, limited sales of 2 million sets of RISING Antivirus 2007 version, each suggested retail price by 30 yuan, and a copy of the value of 20 yuan, "Kaka Lion" stuffed dolls and " Rising Security Collection. "

Meanwhile, the company will also co-Rising thousands of agents nationwide, universal safety knowledge through a variety of ways, various activities will be followed in full swing.

According to statistics, Rising antivirus software is genuine individual users now more than 30 million personal anti-virus market share has steadily holds 70 percent for two consecutive years, the enterprise market share exceeds 40%, the highest market share of domestic anti-virus software products. Since 2001, board Lianbang software sales charts since the market share in the first 6 consecutive years, a recognized and trusted by the majority of users of information security brand.

Rising vice president of Mao Yiding recalled that, after 98 to 2001 the number of anti-virus market, vendors of infighting at home and abroad, starting from mid-2001, RISING Antivirus software such as stand-alone distribution companies take Lianbang sales chart first, and then in 2002,03 years of continuous efforts Rising up to outshine others in 2004, accounting for more than 70% of individual market share. According to IDC, CCID data and CCW Research reports and many other authoritative bodies, Rising comprehensive market position since 2004, beat the foreign competitors for several years, retaining its position as the first. Maoyi Ding said that behind these achievements is Rising in the core technologies, products and technical services, and many continue to invest, is the result of rising overall strength.

Industry analysis, six consecutive strong heritage volume potential, the Rising of "price cut + cartoon lion" of the heavy fist popped up on the current anti-virus market will be enormous impact. The Rising uncharacteristically this year, will be conducted in the summer usually a sudden large-scale promotional activities ahead of the spring, a move bound to make 2007 a more lively and fierce anti-virus market, its market ambitious enough to shock the entire security industry, which is to build Rising China, another big carrier safety initiatives.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Proper way to make money: to be a know how to "lose money," the dealer

Chu Lu'an City of Anhui Province, is a dealer engaged in food operations, introduced by someone else, he knew the food company A company's chairman Yang. A company is an enterprise instant noodles just start soon. After the exchange, Mr Chu is determined to make A's distributor.

Soon, as a quality accident, A company dealing in the market for the products in question, all of a sudden huge loss occurs. For a fresh start for a company not long, the loss of almost fatal: many dealers saw something bad, have chosen to give up, A company once almost lost all the dealers.

At this critical moment the most difficult, Mr Chu has chosen to stand together and A company, not only did not give up the right to operate the company's products, but their money to deal with market problems, the company has not made any demands.

Zhu This mainly for two reasons: first, through the distribution period of time, he found A company's products have a broad market. Business enterprises with competitive products when compared to clear differentiation and competitive, and business-to-market product development concept to grasp, and can do a good grasp.

Second, A's market is mainly in Henan, Anhui, products after a problem, put a lot of money and manpower to solve the problem. The problem occurred two months, Mr. Zhu A company estimates at least 500 million yuan investment funds dealing with the aftermath. 5 million yuan, not only shows a certain strength of the company A, but shows good market A company is sincere.

Zhu won the support of A's trust in the delivery, he has been even greater concessions from the A's. Over the past six months after the storm died down, A company's rapid sales growth, has now reached more than 3,000 yuan a month in sales. Chu Although only a small distributor, sales of 4 500 thousand yuan per month, but in the preferential policies, the profits can still be considerable.

Since then, Mr. Zhu has repeatedly put forward reasonable suggestions to help A Company management, to improve it. In order to continue to make A's management close to the market, Mr. Zhu proposed to set up distributors in politics committee, was quickly adopted by the company A, he also became the Chairman of the Committee not take a salary.


Although start looking at some "stupid", but the reality proved that Zhu's choice is correct. A continued increase in post-market investment, maximize the benefits of him in the company's products in short supply, Mr. Zhu has also been a variety of benefits A company.

Dealers in the choice of objects, both on the market in which to make judgments, but also the strength of enterprises, strategic planning to make judgments, so that can help you see the face of difficulties, or difficulties in respect of the termination of a business co-operation , then the business after the recovery and growth will not be thinking of you.

In addition, make reasonable suggestions to the company, not only can help the enterprise, more importantly, can help to their own.

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